Dimension reduction

7.5. Dimension reduction#

The SVD has another important property that proves very useful in a variety of applications. Let A be a real m×n matrix with SVD A=USVT and (momentarily) mn. Another way of writing the thin form of the SVD is

(7.5.1)#A=U^S^VT=[u1u2un][σ1σn][v1TvnT] =[σ1u1σnun][v1TvnT]=σ1u1v1T++σrurvrT=i=1rσiuiviT,

where r is the rank of A. The final formula also holds for the case m<n.

Each outer product uiviT is a rank-1 matrix of unit 2-norm. Thanks to the ordering of singular values, then, Equation (7.5.1) expresses A as a sum of decreasingly important contributions. This motivates the definition, for 1kr,


where Uk and Vk are the first k columns of U and V, respectively, and Sk is the upper-left k×k submatrix of S.

The rank of a sum of matrices is always less than or equal to the sum of the ranks, so Ak is a rank-k approximation to A. It turns out that Ak is the best rank-k approximation of A, as measured in the matrix 2-norm.

Theorem 7.5.1

Suppose A has rank r and let A=USVT be an SVD. Let Ak be as in (7.5.2) for 1k<r. Then

  1. AAk2=σk+1,k=1,,r1, and

  2. If the rank of B is k or less, then AB2σk+1.



If the singular values of A decrease sufficiently rapidly, then Ak may capture the most significant behavior of the matrix for a reasonably small value of k.

Demo 7.5.2

We make an image from some text, then reload it as a matrix.

Hide code cell source
plot(annotations=(0.5,0.5,text("Hello world",44,:center,:center)),
img = load("hello.png")
A = @. Float64(Gray(img))

Next we show that the singular values decrease until they reach zero (more precisely, until they are about ϵmach times the norm of the matrix) at around k=45.

U,σ,V = svd(A)
scatter(σ,xaxis=(L"i"), yaxis=(:log10,L"\sigma_i"),
    title="Singular values")
Singular values

The rapid decrease suggests that we can get fairly good low-rank approximations.

plt = plot(layout=(2,2),frame=:none,aspect_ratio=1,titlefontsize=10)
for i in 1:4
    k = 3i
    Ak = U[:,1:k]*diagm(σ[1:k])*V[:,1:k]'
    plot!(Gray.(Ak),subplot=i,title="rank = $k")
rank = 3 rank = 6 rank = 9 rank = 12

Consider how little data is needed to reconstruct these images. For rank-9, for instance, we have 9 left and right singular vectors plus 9 singular values, for a compression ratio of better than 12:1.

m,n = size(A)
compression = m*n / (9*(m+n+1))


  1. ✍ Suppose that A is an n×n matrix. Explain why σn is the distance (in 2-norm) from A to the set of all singular matrices.

  2. ✍ Suppose A is a 7×4 matrix and the eigenvalues of AA are 3, 4, 7, and 10. How close is A in the 2-norm to (a) a rank-3 matrix? (b) a rank-2 matrix?

  3. (a) ⌨ Find the rank-1 matrix closest to


    as measured in the 2-norm.

    (b) ⌨ Repeat part (a) for

  4. ✍ Find the rank-1 matrix closest to


    as measured in the 2-norm, where b>0.

  5. ⌨ Following Demo 7.5.2 as a guide, load the “mandrill” test image and convert it to a matrix of floating-point pixel grayscale intensities. Using the SVD, display as images the best approximations of rank 5, 10, 15, and 20.


In statistics this quantity may be interpreted as the fraction of explained variance.