12.4. The wave equation#
Closely related to the advection equation is the wave equation,
This is our first PDE having a second derivative in time. As in the advection equation,
We will use
and two initial conditions,
One approach is to discretize both the
This equation can be rearranged to solve for
First-order system#
In order to be compatible with the standard IVP solvers that we have encountered, we must recast (12.4.1) as a first-order system in time. Using our typical methodology, we would define
However, there is another, less obvious option for reducing to a first-order system:
This second form is appealing in part because it’s equivalent to Maxwell’s equations for electromagnetism. In the Maxwell form we typically replace the velocity initial condition in (12.4.3) with a condition on
Because waves travel in both directions, there is no preferred upwind direction. This makes a centered finite difference in space appropriate. Before application of the boundary conditions, semidiscretization of (12.4.5) leads to
The boundary conditions (12.4.2) suggest that we should remove both of the end values of
We solve the wave equation (12.4.5) with speed
m = 200
x,Dₓ = FNC.diffcheb(m,[-1,1]);
The boundary values of
extend = v -> [0;v;0]
chop = u -> u[2:m];
The following function computes the time derivative of the system at interior points.
ode = function(w,c,t)
u = extend(w[1:m-1])
z = w[m:2m]
dudt = Dₓ*z
dzdt = c^2*(Dₓ*u)
return [ chop(dudt); dzdt ]
Our initial condition is a single hump for
u_init = @. exp(-100*(x+0.5)^2)
z_init = -u_init
w_init = [ chop(u_init); z_init ];
Because the wave equation is hyperbolic, we can use a nonstiff explicit solver.
IVP = ODEProblem(ode,w_init,(0.,2.),2)
w = solve(IVP,RK4());
We plot the results for the original 1:m-1
of the composite
t = range(0,2,length=80)
U = [extend(w(t)[1:m-1]) for t in t]
levels=24,xlabel=L"x",ylabel=L"t",title="Wave equation",
Show code cell source
anim = @animate for t in range(0,2,length=120)
title="Wave equation")
[ Info: Saved animation to /Users/driscoll/Documents/fnc-julia/advection/figures/wave-boundaries.mp4
The original hump breaks into two pieces of different amplitudes, each traveling with speed
Variable speed#
An interesting situation is when the wave speed
We now use a wave speed that is discontinuous at
ode = function(w,c,t)
u = extend(w[1:m-1])
z = w[m:2m]
dudt = Dₓ*z
dzdt = c.^2 .* (Dₓ*u)
return [ chop(dudt); dzdt ]
The variable wave speed is passed as an extra parameter through the IVP solver.
c = @. 1 + (sign(x)+1)/2
IVP = ODEProblem(ode,w_init,(0.,5.),c)
w = solve(IVP,RK4());
t = range(0,5,length=80)
U = [extend(w(t)[1:m-1]) for t in t]
levels=24,xlabel=L"x",ylabel=L"t",title="Wave equation",
Show code cell source
anim = @animate for t in range(0,5,length=181)
title="Wave equation, variable speed" )
[ Info: Saved animation to /Users/driscoll/Documents/fnc-julia/advection/figures/wave-speed.mp4
Each pass through the interface at
✍ Consider the Maxwell equations (12.4.5) with smooth solution
and .(a) Show that
.(b) Show that
.✍ Suppose that
is any twice-differentiable function.(a) Show that
is a solution of . (As in the advection equation, this is a traveling wave of velocity .)(b) Show that
is another solution of . (This is a traveling wave of velocity .)✍ Show that the following is a solution to the wave equation
with initial and boundary conditions (12.4.2) and (12.4.3):This is known as D’Alembert’s solution.
⌨ Suppose the wave equation has homogeneous Neumann conditions on
at each boundary instead of Dirichlet conditions. Using the Maxwell formulation (12.4.5), we have , so is constant in time at each boundary. Therefore, the endpoint values of can be taken from the initial condition and removed from the ODE, while the entire vector is now part of the ODE.Modify Demo 12.4.1 to solve the PDE there with Neumann instead of Dirichlet conditions, and make an animation or space-time portrait of the solution. In what major way is it different from the Dirichlet case?
⌨ The equations
, model electromagnetism in an imperfect conductor. Repeat Demo 12.4.2 with . (This causes waves in the half-domain to decay in time.)The nonlinear sine–Gordon equation
has interesting solutions.(a) ✍ Write the equation as a first-order system in the variables
and .(b) ⌨ Assume periodic end conditions on
and discretize at points. Let and . Solve the system usingRK4
between and , and make a plot or animation of the solution.The deflections of a stiff beam, such as a ruler, are governed by the PDE
.(a) ✍ Show that the beam PDE is equivalent to the first-order system
(b) ⌨ Assuming periodic end conditions on
, use , let , , and simulate the solution of the beam equation for using Function 6.7.3 with time steps. Make a plot or animation of the solution.